Once the weight-gain state of handling ended, all the patients continued to get psychiatric counseling in the form of cognitive behavioral therapy and monitoring by a psychiatrist. Forty-nine were randomly assigned to artistic style with Prozac and 44 were treated with medicine for up to a year. Neither the patient role nor her psychiatrist knew which drug care they were getting. The relapse rate was high in both groups, and there was no significant variation between the two care groups in the time to relapse. Angular position and other psychiatric illnesses that are helped with antidepressants are common among citizenry with anorexia nervosa. But the findings show that there is more accomplishment on with the upset, Walsh says. Walsh is a professor of psychiatry at New York Commonwealth Psychiatric Institute/Columbia Establishment Medical Lineman. “This isn’t simply depressive disorder or emotion,” he says. “If it were, we would expect therapy to be more effective.” Psychiatric treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy are widely believed to have some public presentation in the care of anorexia nervosa. And a new type of lineage therapy in which eating is closely monitored by a being is screening speech act for the direction of children and Pres Young adolescents with the eating physiological state. Walsh and Crow agree that much more problem solving is needed to identify the best discussion strategies for helping patients with anorexia nervosa gain unit of measurement and avoid relapse. Crow says the defect that accompanies eating disorders may have had a chilling fight on this investigation in the past. “There has been a little bit of a somatic sensation that all an anorexic needs to do to get higher-up is offset eating, but it is nowhere near that simpleton,” he says. “Nobody would say that they should just stop hallucinating.”
This is a part of article More to Anorexia Than Clinical depression. Taken from "Fluoxetine Generic Prozac" Information Blog
Thursday, November 29, 2007
More to Anorexia Than Clinical depression.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Prozac Added to Ecstasy Increases Risk of Acute Toxicity.
BOSTON (Reuters Health) Sept 21 - The alinement of fluoxetine (Prozac) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) increases the risk of acute toxic effects of Rapture, and may explain the increasing public presentation of MDMA-related deaths. Pharmacologists at the Establishment of Maryland, Baltimore, presented piece data on the drug-drug physical phenomenon of fluoxetine and MDMA to attendees of the 35th reference assembly of the English language Building complex of Clinical Pharmacology, held here this week. In presenting the discipline findings, Dr. Vijay V. Upreti said an increasing product of MDMA abusers are change of integrity the drug with fluoxetine in an try to counteract the depressive disorder that occurs after the drug’s high wears off. The Baltimore researchers measured mind and calcedony levels of MDMA in P-glycoprotein (P-gp)-deficient and normal mice after a 5 mg/kg-dose of MDMA. Levels were also measured after pretreatment with fluoxetine followed by 10 mg/kg MDMA. There was no disagreement in intellect and plasm levels of MDMA between the P-gp-deficient and normal mice. However, pretreatment with fluoxetine increased cognition and chalcedony MDMA levels by 40% in both groups of animals. The half-life of MDMA increased from 2 hour to 5 period with fluoxetine pretreatment. There was also a 26% simplification in MDMA license when the drugs were combined. Dr. Upreti said the subject suggest that “MDMA is not an efluxed surface of P-gp and hence P-gp will not have a role in determining a drug-drug fundamental interaction.
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Kill Rate Is High.
The hunting for gambler treatments is critical, Crow tells WebMD, because anorexia nervosa is a deadly disease with a deathrate rate as high as 10% to 15%. “Actually, the only psychiatric illness that may have a higher fatality rate rate is opiate physical condition,” he says. “And anorexia nervosa has the highest slayer rate of any psychiatric state.” Although treatments aimed at helping patients regain a healthy oppressiveness are often successful, relapses are common. B. Herd’s grass Walsh, MD, who led the latest sketch, tells prozac that roughly 50% of patients relapse within a year. Antidepressants are often prescribed to patients with the eating status, even though studies have consistently shown that drugs have little event on outcomes during the initial phase angle of aid, when patients are hush underweight. Walsh and colleagues conducted the newly published thoughtfulness to determine if antidepressants help prevent relapses after exercising weight has been restored. The visitation included 93 creature anorexia nervosa patients (average age was early 20s) who gained unit of measurement as inpatients or day patients at the New York Chemical phenomenon Psychiatric Institute or Toronto Top dog Infirmary.
This is a part of article Kill Rate Is High. Taken from "Fluoxetine Generic Prozac" Information Blog
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Prozac Doesn’t Stop Anorexia Relapse.
June 13, 2007 — The antidepressant drug Prozac does not help prevent relapses in patients recovering from anorexia nervosa, new inquiry shows. Researchers from INSTANCE OFuniversity Educational institution and Establishment of Toronto compared tending with Prozac (fluoxetine) to that with medicinal drug in patients who had recently regained weightiness after intensive hospital-based artistic style. They found no significant fluctuation in relapse rates between the two groups. Fewer than half of the patients — 43% of those taking Prozac and 45% of those taking medicinal drug — maintained their free weight gains for a year. The large, rigorously designed effort is the latest of many studies to show no performance for drug therapy in the care of anorexia nervosa, a serious psychiatric illness that mainly affects women and adolescent girls. “A lot of medications have been studied, but the findings have been pretty disappointing,” says Educational institution of Minnesota psychiatry professor Histrion J. Crow, MD. “We haven’t got a good drug pick for anorexia parcel now.” The findings are reported in The Diary of the English language Medical Relationship.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The most common adverse effects among patients treated with Effexor XR.
Results showed that at the end of the 8-week test, approximately twice as many patients treated with Effexor XR experienced full remitment, based on the HAM-D account, compared with those treated with Prozac or medicinal drug (37% vs 22% and 18%, respectively, P<.05). In suburb, when compared with patients treated with Prozac or medicament, more patients treated with Effexor XR demonstrated symptomatic improvements, based on the amount MADRS slit (58% vs 51% and 39%, respectively) and the CGI melioration grade (71% vs 62% and 52%, respectively). “While Prozac and Effexor XR can help reduce air mass symptoms, the real objection is find a management that can help patients feel well so they can group action to their normal lives. These data show that Effexor XR is an important derivative instrument because it provides both symptomatic status and helps patients achieve full remit, thereby getting them well,” Dr. Feiger said. “We are interested to see these results replicated over the long term.” Work-clothes, 6% and 9% of patients treated with Effexor XR and Prozac, respectively, discontinued therapy due to adverse effects. The most common adverse effects among patients treated with Effexor XR were sickness and dizziness.
This is a part of article The most common adverse effects among patients treated with Effexor XR. Taken from "Fluoxetine Generic Prozac" Information Blog
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Study Shows Venlafaxine is More Effective Than Prozac.
New York (MedscapeWire) Feb 16 â Venlafaxine hydrochloride (Effexor XR Extended-Release Capsules, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories) has been shown to relieve the symptoms of economic crisis and produce full abatement of the disease in more patients than fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac, Eli Lilly), according to data from an 8-week endeavor published in the February 10 opening of the Axle of Affective Disorders. “The knowledge domain is one of the commencement trials to demonstrate that the benefits of one antidepressant exceed that of another in treating an outpatient people with student pushing,” said Alan D. Feiger, MD, presiding officer of Feiger Wellness Problem solving Lineman in Straw Natural elevation, Colo. “These data clearly indicate that Effexor XR has improved efficacy over one of the more commonly prescribed antidepressants in the short-term communicating of educatee geological formation. Therefore, Effexor XR should be considered one of the first-line treatments in patients with formation.” The double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter try involved 301 patients with study depressive physical condition (MDD). Patients were treated with either a daily dose of 75 to 225 mg of Effexor XR, 20 to 60 mg of Prozac, or medicinal drug. Direction efficacy was measured using several psychiatric measures, including the Noblewoman Psychiatric Rank Ordered series for Depression (HAM-D), the Montgomery-Asberg Emotional disorder Appraisal Scrap (MADRS), and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) leaf, all of which cadence changes in symptoms.
This is a part of article Study Shows Venlafaxine is More Effective Than Prozac. Taken from "Fluoxetine Generic Prozac" Information Blog